Level up your teaching

TEACH PRIMARY Teach Primary Article

April’s edition of Teach Primary magazine included an article by us based on a key theme from our latest book; Teaching Backwards. …

MALIT-Pre-assessment-grid-3 Level up Pre-assessment

We are evangelists for planning lessons backwards as we discuss in chapter six of our recent book.  Planning starts with …

MALIT-Level-up-Competency-3 Level up competency

Most student surveys suggest that what they most want from school is confidence. By looking to build a student’s competence …

4by4-Rapport-2 Level up Rapport

September sees the start of the school year.  It can be a disconcerting time for learners as well as teachers. …

Engaging Learners from Malit Buy Engaging Learners on Kindle

“Books in education tend to be dry academic tomes or full of anecdotes usually premised on “do what I did” … Outstanding Teaching an engaging book emphasising the core qualities of teaching while making it sound fun.”

Professor John Hattie- University of Melbourne